Our Loyalty Program is a heartfelt thank you to our cherished guests for their unwavering support. Exclusively accessible through our “Wooloomooloo Group’s Privileges” mobile app, our Loyalty Program is designed with your convenience and delight in mind.
Seamless Access and Easy Rewards
Unlock a world of exclusive rewards and sizzling benefits every time you dine with us. With just a few taps on our user-friendly app, you can start earning points and perks that enhance your dining experience.
Why Wait?
Join our Loyalty Program today and indulge in a Woo-nderful world of exclusive benefits and unforgettable dining experiences. Download the “Wooloomooloo Group’s Privileges” app now and start earning your rewards!
No phones, no hassle. Reserve a table at any time or day through our mobile app.
Instant access. Simply use your unique QR code to collect points and view your rewards summary.
A Woo-rld of benefits is ready for your enjoyment with discounts, gifts, eCoupons, complimentary bottles of wine, 2-for-1 lunch deals and more.
Party time. Members will enjoy special perks and gifts for birthdays exclusively through our app.
We offer two level of Membership Tiers: Frequent Diner and Steakholder. A friendly reminder that accumulated points will expire exactly one year after the effective date of your membership. Please see the below sections to learn more about the points, perks and rewards for each membership tier.
Frequent Diner is a lifetime membership that is open to all. It allows you to earn points every time you dine at any of our restaurants. A maximum 1,000 points earned per day for regular booking, qualifying event or function, and you will also be eligible for our fabulous birthday and other special offers.
All membership tiers allow you to earn one point for every HK$10 / S$1 spent (excluding service charge, gratuity and GST, if applicable) on all dine-in food and beverage consumption at our restaurants in Hong Kong and Singapore. Your accumulated points are valid for one year from the effective date of your membership.
You also have the chance to earn double points on your birthday. Simply present your membership QR code at any of our restaurants before settling your bill.
Frequent Diner members will be automatically upgraded to Steakholder status upon spending a total of HK$20,000 or SG$2,000 and earning 2,000 points within one year. As a Steakholder, you can enjoy 15% off on a la carte food and beverages at any of our restaurants along with exclusive benefits and special offers. Steakholders can also earn up to 1,000 points per day for regular booking, qualifying event or function.
Please note:
All membership tiers allow you to earn one point for every HK$10 / S$1 spent (excluding service charge, gratuity and GST) on all dine-in food and beverage consumption at our restaurants in Hong Kong and Singapore. Your accumulated points are valid for one year from the effective date of your membership.
You also have the chance to earn double points on your birthday. Simply present your membership QR code at any of our restaurants before settling your bill.
Please note: